One of my favorite photographers, Ethan James had really done a stunning job of photographing Ryan M. Ripley. Ryan is a fashion major at a University in TN working on eventually opening his own clothing company. The pics are very erotic yet also very interesting with Ethan choosing to cover 20 year old Ryan's beautiful eyes for many of them with his bangs. For some reason this expresses a hidden sadness to me which brings more to the shoot and says so much more to me than just the usual shots. Whether or not that is the intent, this combo or Ryan and Ethan created a wonderful set of photographs which to me are pure art. Ryan is not your typical looking model, nor do I think that is his ultimate goal, yet he is able to express more in his pictures than many professional models.

You can see more at Ryan's Model Mayhem Page HERE:
Ryan's Myspace page which showcases some of his designs can be found HERE:
Ethan James site which presents much more of his work can be found HERE: